We have the objective to offer our customers a tastefull and healty piece of porkmeat on a daily basis. Therefore we stand for a durable and continuous partnership with our suppliers. We focus on informing in order to come to economical and innovative solutions. This to strengthen eachother, and to build a solid cooperation.
Strengths of Groep De Brauwer:
- Local
- Transport that has been taken care of
- More then 40 years experience
- Durable and continuous partnerships
- Prompt feedback after slaughtering
- Punctual payment
New supplier
Do you have an interest to deliver live stock to Groep De Brauwer?
Please complete our technical card (Pdf-version or Word- Version) and send to us by mail to: .
We will promply take contact with you upon receipt.
Delivery of live stock
We synchronize our live stock based on demand stemming from hinterland and foreign countries.
You can provide your live stock by phone or by mail for the coming week of slaughtering before thursday evening 5 o’clock
- By phone ( 051/54 66 02 )
- Or online by completing contact for mentioned below
(When the info is passed, you will receive a confirmation in your mailbox.)
Please take into account when sending your vki-document:
- EveryVKI-document needs to be provided to 2 days before slaughtering by mail at VKI-form mentioned below ( Pdf-form / Word-form).
- Alle pigs need to be of origin ‘Born and Raised België’.
- Alll administered medication and all waiting times need to be correctly completed.
Consulting slaughter data
Groep De Brauwer strives together with the supplier to obtain a high quality pig. An an extra we unfolded an extra tool which allows the supplier to easily consult his slaughterdata. This as objective to optimalize and offer advice for your agricultural holding. The result is presented visual and in figures customized to the supplier by a personal login.